The Moorlands Way

What is the Moorlands Way?

Moorlands is a school that produces confident, well-rounded children who are independent, critical thinkers with enquiring minds and a love of learning.

We do this by creating an inspiring, yet caring and supportive, environment where every individual is able to live up to the Moorlands’ motto; “Intrepide” or “Be Brave”.

Our pupils understand that this motto can mean any number of things, including simply trying something new, speaking up in the classroom or challenging themselves with a difficult task. At Moorlands we understand that it is the many small steps out of their comfort zone that enable pupils to develop and reach their full potential.

Little things matter. Moorlands may be a small school compared to some – but it is because of this that we are able to produce big results. No pupil in our school is ever overlooked or allowed to coast. No talent remains uncovered, no light hidden. The self esteem that grows from knowing they are valued as an individual is priceless and creates young people who are generous, empathetic and outward facing.

This year, all our Year 6 Leavers have been offered places at their first choice secondary school, many with Scholarships and Awards. Our pupils move on from Moorlands prepared, ready and eager for future challenges. They are happy to embrace change and equipped with the resourcefulness and resilience required to not just succeed, but flourish at their new school.

They are Intrepid Moorlanders.


Headteacher, Jacqueline Atkinson, on what makes Moorlands different from other schools

What does being Headteacher at Moorlands mean to you?

I feel extremely privileged and fortunate to be the Headteacher of Moorlands School. I have now worked in six very different, highly successful schools during my teaching career and can honestly say that Moorlands is the best (although I might be slightly biased!).  It is a small school with a big heart and strong sense of community.  We have happy, successful children and a wonderful staff team who support and encourage them to achieve their best.

Do you have a favourite part of your job?

Seeing the joy on a child’s face when they achieve something, however small. It is what the job is about.

What makes Moorlands special / different from other schools?

Opportunity – our size means that everyone is fully involved and expected to contribute to making school a success: whether that is playing on a team, winning points for their house, singing in the choir or speaking at a public event, you don’t have to be the best but just willing to be Intrepid and give things a go!

A strong sense of community, not only amongst the pupils but parents and staff too. there is very much a ‘family’ feel, and our Year 5and 6 pupils love the Buddy system which sees them paired with one of the Early Years pupils.

Success – our Moorlanders leave us as well-rounded young people, more than ready for the challenges and opportunities of their secondary education. 

What would you say to a parent thinking about starting their child at Moorlands?

Come and visit us!  Your will receive a very warm, Moorlands’ welcome and have the chance to speak to, and see, our pupils and staff in action!

Finally,  what would you say are the 3 most important things Moorlands offers its pupils?

Learning,  friendship and fun.


If the Moorlands Way sounds like it would be right for your child, please register for our Open Day on Saturday 13th November or click here and arrange a visit.